
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Porkchops with Apple & Sundried Tomato Pesto

No excuses, people. Grab a pen & paper, write this recipe down, and it will take you more time to do that than it will to cook the meal!

1 tbsp. Pesto Herb Mix
1 tbsp. parmesan cheese
2 tsp. pine nuts
1 tbsp. olive oil
3-4 sundried tomatoes, packed in oil, diced
1 large apple slice (about 1/4 of an apple), diced
1 green onion, diced
4 porkchops

In a food chopper or blender, finely chop the first three ingredients, then stir in oil (or use a couple tablespoons of ready-made pesto.) Add sundried tomatoes, apple, and green onion. Heat some oil in a frying pan on high and quickly sear the porkchops (just a couple seconds on each side.) Reduce heat to low and scoop the pesto mixture onto each porkchop. Cover with a lid and cook for about 6 minutes.

Voila! Super easy meal, lots of flavour, and it sounds way harder to make than it really is! If you want to do this in the oven and cook it longer, you could use chicken breasts instead of porkchops. I'm just waiting for our corn on the cob to boil, and then I can devour this yummy meal!! (Mental note, next time start the corn first....)

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