Had a big family supper tonight, with a double batch of
Cajun Chicken Alfredo (made with chicken & shrimp this time) and some decadent crème brûlée for dessert. I used the same recipe I always use (first posted
here, made with Cadbury Creme Eggs) but this time I doubled it and changed the flavour profile a bit. Here's the double batch recipe, which made about 1 dozen small (1/2 c.) rammekins.
10 egg yolks
3/4 c. sugar
4 c. whipping cream
2 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. almond extract
1-2 tsp. frozen blueberries in each rammekin
extra sugar
Whisk egg yolks and sugar, then add whipping cream and extracts. Put blueberries into each rammekin, and pour 1/2 c. of the custard mixture into each rammekin. Place in baking dishes that are partially filled with water and bake at 325 F for 45 minutes. When you remove them from the oven, they should be jiggly but the tops should be set. Refrigerate (you can make these the day before) and bring to room temperature before you are ready to serve them. Pour 1 tbsp. sugar over each one, and place on the top rack under the broiler for a few minutes, until the sugar melts and turns golden brown. Remove from the oven and let them cool until the sugar solidifies.
Tap tap tap... |
Oooooh, that's good! |
Crème brûlée is so easy to make, and it's great for entertaining because you can make it the day before and then just pop them under the broiler (or be dramatic and torch them at the table!) right before serving. You can try all sorts of different flavours... I have added mini Cadbury Creme Eggs, raspberries, gingerbread spices, and I have lots of other flavour ideas I can't wait to try. (Although I must admit, almond and blueberry is definitely my favourite!) The only complicated part about making this dessert is figuring out how to fit all the rammekins into baking dishes... inevitably I end up with one or two leftover so it ends up taking a long time to cook them all, but it's worth it when your guests crack into their little pots of custardy goodness!
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