Monday, April 13, 2009

Holiday Week

We're visiting my sister this week (who happens to be an amazing chef... check out her website) but I will still try to post while I'm here. My sister subscribes to Martha Stewart's Everyday Food magazine, and I found a few recipes that sounded interesting.

Tonight we're going to Olive Garden, but tomorrow we're going to try out Martha's Mediterranean Veggie Burgers wtih Mint-Yogurt Sauce and Carrot Salad. (We'll make a few "real" burgers too, just in case.)
Today we're going to hope that my sister doesn't have to spend all afternoon at the doctor's office, where my neice is currently sitting there waiting for a bead to be removed from her nostril. Typical Monday. Just glad it wasn't one of my kids.

(I just got a call from my sister as I was typing this.... she said "All's clear!")

Edited to add: We ended up making these a couple days later than planned... life got hectic with four kids in the house! Anyway, I followed the recipe, but added about 1 tsp. Greek seasoning just so the burgers would have a little more flavour. The kids all ate the veggie burgers with no fuss, but they whined and complained when we gave them beef burgers afterwards! One point for the lentils!
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k-e-household said...

Have a fun visit!
I taped Everyday Food on PBS this weekend and it was really good!

Loree said...

Hey Kathy, I have a yrs worth of Everyday Food from last year if you would like to have them, let me know.

Kathy Blais said...

That's okay Loree.... my house is too cluttered already! But thanks for the offer.